بِسْـــــــــمِ اَللّهِ الرّحْمن الرّحيم

Assalamualaikum W.B.T and hye everyone, Welcome back to my blog :)

How are you today? Hope you are doing well right now ;)

So today I would like to share with you guys about what I've learned through the usrah session last week. That is about two interesting topic which are Ihsan and Eschatology in Islam. 

1. The Meaning Of Ihsan

        Ihsan, maybe most of us already know about Ihsan in general view and familiar with it as we have learned about this back then since we are in primary school, but not many of us choose to be firmly practice and implement Ihsan in our daily life.

     So Here I attached the short video from Sheikh Omar Suleiman that explained about the true meaning of Ihsan and the good insight of Ihsan behavior. Kindly go through this video to get better understanding about Ihsan :)

Ihsan is to make things beautifully and excellently

Masya Allah Tabarakallah! Now I understand that Ihsan is truly practiced when we are trying to beautify our submission to Allah and make it excellently perfect with the feeling of being observed by Allah. Whenever we practice Ihsan in ourselves, we will be called as a Muhsin ( a person who are always being Ihsan in their life). 

Let's set our goal to be a good muslim and mu'min by practicing Ihsan in our life.

 May Allah grant us the opportunity to perfect our ibadah and get more closer towards Him day by day. Aamiin :)

2. Islamic Eschatology

 The Quran emphasizes the islamic eschatology is inevitability of resurrection, judgment, and the eternal division of the righteous and the wicked which take place on the day of resurrection.

Kindly go through this video to get an overview about islamic eschatology.

The End of The WORLD, The Start of The JUDGEMENT.

The lesson I learned from this video is on the day of resurrection, humans will be judged by their faith in God, their acceptance of God's revelations, and their works.

Islam Eschatology is the study of “last things” incorporates two related concepts: the afterlife and world's end.

Meanwhile the western Eschatology is about Freemason and illumination.

In Hadith, Prophet Muhammad PBUH has mention about a group that has the most great Iman is an ummah in  who life during the end life (akhir zaman) with the iman in their heart. And they also Love Allah SWT and Prophet more than themselves.

Alhamdulillah I think for today that is all sharing from me, perhaps all this sharing will be matters and beneficial for you..

 See you on the next post Assalamualaikum! ;)


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