بِسْـــــــــمِ اَللّهِ الرّحْمن الرّحيم

Assalamualaikum W.B.T and hye everyone, Welcome back to my blog :)

How are you today? I hope you are having a wonderful day ;)

I am sorry guys for the late updating the new sharing huhu. It is quite long I haven't written here to update any new post since the last month. So today I am excited to share with you guys about what I've learned through the usrah session last week. That is about two fascinating topic which are Qur'an as a guidance for humanity and adab in seeking knowledge.

1. Qur'an As A Guidance 

Quran As A Guidance For Humanity by Nouman Ali Khan.

Subhanallah! I've found a lot of beautiful messages and advices from this video. Alhamdulillah :) so here I wanna share some of my random thought and reflection based on what I've learned last week.

-Definitely Quran is the best Guidance ever in this world as it genuinely come from Allah s.w.t.

- Quran binds and unites us (muslim all around the world) together even though we are different in color skin, languages, rank in sociality and so on by the word ' La ilaha ilallah'.

- Quran it self is miracle that if we look at them we will know this can only be the word of Allah and it distiguishes between right and wrong all of this up.

2. Adab In Seeking Knowledge.

Adab In Seeking Knowledge

- Try to make an effort to seek knowledge and learn a lesson, only then we will definitely achieve a contentment by the will of Allah if we truly follow His guidance (Quran).

- We have to make effort to learn and expand our knowledge as it is one of instructions from Allah that stated in the Quran and we have to follow.

- Being encouraged to ask the people who has that knowledge whenever we don't know or want to learn something.

- Allah will grant those who are making effort to learn, the contentment and open the door of paradise for them and make them easy to get a Jannah.

If you want to get more detail information about adab in seeking knowlegde, here I attached one beautiful video from Mufti Menk regarding this topic.

The importance and adab in seeking knowledge by Mufti Menk.

Allah raises the level of people in two ways: (a) Belief in Him and (b) Knowledge of Him. This is established in the following verse of the Qur’an. Allah said:

“Allah raises the level of those who believe and those who are endowed with knowledge.” [Al-Qur’an 58:11]

Acquiring knowledge of Allah is the most important obligation on every Muslim because Allah ordered seeking knowledge (i.e. the knowledge of Himself) prior to declaration of the Shahadah. He said:

“And know that there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah then seek forgiveness for your sins.” [47:19]

To emphasize, seeking knowledge before doing any action. Imaam Al-Bukhari used the above verse as a basis for a chapter in his all famous Sahih. He entitles that chapter:

 “Knowledge before speech and action”.
Book of Knowledge: [Sahih Bukhari Vol: 1 Ch 11]

 By watching through these two videos, I hope we will get some inspiration and motivation to establish our akhlak when we are studying or seeking knowledge and make Qur'an as our first guidance. 

Thank you for staying with me until the last word. 
For me, you are super duper awesome and supportive :D
Hope to see you again on the next post!



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